About me

. Hello everyone. My name is Milica and I am 15 years old teenage girl. I was born in Serbia 20.07.1997. and my dream is to move to USA and live in LA one day. I hope one day I'll succeed at that and since I am an excellent student I think there's no doubt about it. Personally I've seen a lot of people who are excellent students but don't like fashion. Well. that's not the case with me. I love shopping and I buy only the things that I really like. I am not one of those people who waste their money on every nice piece of clothes they see in the shop. Its not like that I have some problem with them its just that I have different opinion. The styles that I prefer are elegant and Indian style. I just love Indian clothes for women. Accessories and jewelry are favorite part of styles to me and I like doing make-ups, until now I learned to do smokey eye make-up and cat eye make-up. Hope that I'll learn some new make-ups soon. Hairstyles I adore are Kim Kardashian's high pony tale and simple pony tale.

Well that's enough about me and my style.
( P.S they say that what you wear describe you the best)